Indulge in our top-selling coffee varieties with this 2oz sample pack. 6Bean Blend Roast: a rich and meticulous combination of dark roasted beans from around the world.
Cowboy Blend Roast: a perfect balance of dark and medium roasted beans with cocoa, caramel, and vanilla flavors. Breakfast Blend Roast: a smooth and delicious blend of coffee from South America.
Peru Single Origin Roast: a medium roast with notes of salted caramel, silky sweetness, and citrus from the Cooperativa Agricola de Servicios Norandino in Piura and Amazonas, Peru.
Mexico Single Origin Roast: a medium roast with hints of chocolate, cinnamon, and green apple from coffee growers in Chiapas and Oaxaca,
Mexico. Bali Single Origin Roast: a medium-dark roast with flavors of dark chocolate, molasses, and brown sugar from smallholder farmers in Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia.